Publicly tendering: Installation of fenders at the Port of Oranjestad.
The Aruba Ports Authority N.V. is publicly tendering: Installation of fenders at the port of Oranjestad. According to the tender document for Capex Project APA-PFAU-1-25 “Installation of fenders at the Port of Oranjestad.” Short Project description: The project consists of the following activities Removing old brackets from existing fenders and/or car tires. repairing the coping […]
Aruba Ports Authority N.V. is publicly tendering: Construction of a footwall and installation of metal fencing at Oranjestad harbor in accordance with the tender document: “Fencing of APA perimeter near B-C quay Oranjestad Harbor.”
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Market consultation as the next step in Port City Oranjestad development
Aruba Ports Authority (APA) announces that the transformation of the former cargo terminal area near the cruise terminal of Oranjestad into a new leisure, residential and commercial area is entering a new phase. In February 2019, the Aruban government approved the urban development plan for this project, appropriately named Port City Oranjestad. APA will issue […]
APA ta sigui traha pa mehora su siguridad entrenando su personal
Aruba Ports Authority annualmente ta wordo controla di parti di US Coast Guard riba cumplimento di e International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS-code)y riba tur aspectonan di seguridad. Esaki ta un di e motibonan cu den forma continuo cu gerencia di APA ta percura pa su personal di seguridad haya training y diferente […]
Anthony Maduro y Hubert Semeleer a celebra 50 aña di trabou riba waf
Aruba Ports Authority N.V. orguyoso di su empleadonan fiel Diahuebs ultimo empleadonan di Aruba Ports Authority N.V. (APA) a celebra añanan di servicio di Sr. Anthony Maduro y Sr. Hubert Semeleer. Ta trata aki di dos empleado loyal y ehemplar na APA, semper cla pa coopera unda cu por. Sr. Anthony Maduro a cumpli 20 […]
Aruba Port Authority a inaugura e tugboat “Colorado”
Un inversion grandi pa por ofrece mas y miho servicio na waf. Esun di mas moderno den henter Caribe. Aruba Ports Authority ta hopi orguyoso di por anuncia oficialmente e yegada di e Tugboat “Colorado”. Un barco sofistica cu ya ta den servicio dunando bon resultado caba. Manera tur hende por corda, e ultimo tugboat […]
Aruba Ports Authority get a new tugboat
Aruba Ports Authority together with the Government of Aruba have invested in a new Tugboat. This new model ASD Tug 2811 is now currently the most modern Tug in the Caribbean. Today before sunrise the new Tug named COLORADO arrived at our Harbor in Oranjestad. Aruba Ports Authority is currently training the crew for this […]
Minister of Tourism Dangui Oduber together with APA Board members and employees welcome their new director Mr Marc Figaroa
Minister Dangui Oduber came to visit Aruba Ports Authority this morning together with the now former director mr Josy Figaroa to give a warm welcome and to introduce the new director of APA to its employees mr Marc Figaroa. They walked thru all the departments to welcome mr Figaroa on his first day at work. […]
Minister Dangui Oduber: E desaroyo di “Port City” na Oranjestad a keda aproba
Cu aprobacion di Minister di Turismo, Salubridad Publico y Deporte lo bay inicia e transformacion di e area caminda nos waf ta situa. E obhetivo ta pa converti e area aki yama Port City den un area atractivo y vibrante pa Oranjestad y e comunidad henter di Aruba como tambe pa nos turistanan, door di […]
APA a celebra 40 aña di servicio leal di Adriaan Kock
Masha poco compania awendia ta logra tin persona laborando pa 40 aña. Aruba Ports Authority (APA) ta un di e companianan aki. APA ta conta cu un grupo basta grandi di personanan cu tin sigur mas cu un kwart siglo trahando cu nan y recientemente tabatin un empleado, Adriaan Kock, kende a cumpli 40 aña […]