Aruba Ports Authority

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Publicly tendering: Installation of fenders at the Port of Oranjestad.

Published on March 7, 2025

The Aruba Ports Authority N.V. is publicly tendering:

Installation of fenders at the port of Oranjestad.
According to the tender document for Capex Project APA-PFAU-1-25

“Installation of fenders at the Port of Oranjestad.”

Short Project description:
The project consists of the following activities
Removing old brackets from existing fenders and/or car tires.

  • repairing the coping edge at each fender location.
  • Installation of protective plates (UHMW-PE) against the quay wall for each fender.
  • Installation of 4 pieces of “brackets or U-Anchor” for each fender.
  • Note: the fenders are not installed.

Execution period: 80 days.
Commencement date: May 6, 2025
Completion date: no later than September 30, 2025
Working hours: 24/7 possible in coordination with APA.
Project management: Aruba Ports Authority N.V.
The validity proposal period is 60 days.

The tender documents will be available for purchase from March 10, 2025, up to March 14, 2025 until 4:30 pm local time, via e-mail against a payment of A]l. 500.00. The request for the tender documents must include proof of transfer in the requesting e-mail. Note that the cut-off time for receipt of request and proof of transfer is March 14, 2025, at 4:30 pm local time.

Bank Account Information:
BeneFiciary: Aruba Ports Authority N.V.
CMB: 15267105
Aruba Bank: 128710
RBC: 7700000030549428
Description/Reference: TOR project nr. APA – PFAU – 1 – 25

Regarding this project and information meeting will be held on March 21, 2025, at 10:30 am local time at the main of]ice of Aruba Ports Authority N.V. (APA).

The proposal should be submitted in a sealed envelope on April 11, 2025, between 8:00 am – 11:45 am and 1:00 – 2:00 pm local time in the box located at APA’s Port Administration Building, L.G. Smith Boulevard 23, Oranjestad, Aruba.

The tenderer must submit the following requirements with his tender:

  • The proposal (a filled registration/ specification of tender sum annexed to the tender document)
  • A valid copy of the company’s Chamber of Commerce registration.
  • Copy of ID of Managing director of the company.
  • A list of subcontractors to be engaged. If none, it should be stated in a letter.
  • Letter of good fiscal conduct issued by the “Departamento di Impuesto (DIMP)”
  • Letter of good conduct of the managing director from the public prosecutor’s office. (Openbaar Ministerie)
  • Statement of the Court of first instance of Aruba (Gerecht in eerste aanleg van Aruba) that the tenderer is not in bankruptcy (faillisement) or in suspension of payments (Surseance van betaling)
  • All documents required in the Terms of reference tender conditions at paragraph102.

Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between this publication and the TOR, the TOR shall prevail.

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